SACP Combative Carbine Course for the ATOA
Serving Those Who Serve Us
Who trains in Phoenix in 110F+ weather? We do! We may have been a bit crazy to put on a course during the hottest season of the year in Florence, AZ. The students all pulled together and gave it their all.
Category: Serving Those Who Serve Us
2014 Indiana SWAT Officers Association Conference
Thank you to the ISOA for having us out to their 2014 Conference! Rigo Durazo taught 2 blocks of Combative Principles.Our instructors are happy to put training blocks together for conferences and events. For more information please contact Thank you to Laura Fogarty for the awesome pictures! See more of her work at
May 7, 2014tacflow
We were asked to teach at this year's SNIPERFEST for the 4th year in a row. Rigo Durazo and Edward Morales taught a block on rifle combatives while Mark Lang from Craft International spoke on public venue sniper call outs.Thank you to the MCSO Posse for another great year![ux_slider timer="4500" arrows="true" bullets="true" auto_slide="true" nav_color="dark"][/ux_slider]
November 22, 2013tacflow
We were happy to be able to come hang out with all our Arizona LE at the 4th Annual ATOA Conference.This year we were able to talk John Wayne Walding, (3rd Special Forces Group - Owner of Five Toes Customs- all around great American!) to come give a debrief on his experience during Operation Commando Wrath, better known as the battle of Shok Valley.If you don't know who JW is, watch this video to get an idea.... and then head over to to check out his custom rifle work!
October 21, 2013tacflow
2013 Georgia Tactical Officers Association Conference
Thank you to the GTOA for having us out to their 2013 Conference! Rigo Durazo taught a block on transitions and containment with Combat Mindset.Our instructors are happy to put training blocks together for conferences and events. For more information please contact you to Laura Fogarty for the awesome pictures! See more of her work at
March 8, 2013tacflow