By Mark Lang
For law enforcement agencies in the United States that have helicopter support, there is one potential program that, if properly developed, has the potential to bring major incidents to a successful end. Many SWAT commanders will tell you they want as many options as possible on the table during a tactical operation, and while an aerial platform does not guarantee success, it increases the likelihood.
An aerial platform (AP) is also referred to as aerial gunnery, aerial marksmanship or aerial platform interdiction. All of these terms are simply defined as the placing of accurate rifle fire from a hovering, ... Read More
Tag: aerial platform
Instructor Mark Lang’s article- Taking the High Ground, the Police Aerial Platform was featured in Edition 6/2016 Safety & Security International Magazine
January 23, 2017Mark Lang
An often overlooked asset is an agencies aerial asset (helicopter), which can serve as an aerial engagement platform with tremendous accuracy and effectiveness. Tacflow Academy’s Aerial Platform Course allows for high levels of accuracy from crawling and medium speeds in aerial assets by incorporating a proven mathematical formula and associated shot placement graph. The course also covers mission planning, rapid deployment, aircraft set-up, aircrew/shooter roles, and safety considerations when utilizing the aerial asset as a shooting platform. Students should utilize .223/.308 type rifles with red dot type optics for optimal performance and precision rifles (sniper rifle) as an additional option ... Read More
June 8, 2016tacflow
DEC 8, 2014
Any SWAT commander will tell you they want as many options as possible on the table during an operation. It does not guarantee success, but it increases the likelihood of success. One such option is the use of an Aerial Platform (AP). I will refer to it this way but it is also referred to as Aerial Gunnery, Aerial Marksmanship and Aerial Platform Interdiction depending on who you might be speaking with. Aerial Platform is defined as the placing of accurate rifle fire from a hovering, crawling or moving helicopter in support of a ... Read More
December 9, 2014tacflow