Kenneth Lee
- Ken currently has over 15 years of LE experience and is currently assigned to the patrol division and serves as an active Operator and Sniper for the Regional SWAT Team.
- Ken currently serves as one of the SME Combatives Co-Chairs for the Arizona Tactical Officers Association.
- Has a background in the martial systems of Wing Chung, Hapkido, Tae Kwon Do, and is a student of Guru Rigo Durazo.
- Has operated in the west desert to combat drug and human trafficking into the US by setting LP/OP’s, tracking, and ambushing such individuals.
- Experience in undercover operations for narcotics and support for his department investigations bureau.
- an active department instructor for a wide range of topics including Firearms, Defensive Tactics, High Risk Stops, a popular electronic control device, and Combative Principles.