Kenneth Lee

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Kenneth Lee


  • Ken currently has over 15 years of LE experience and is currently assigned to the patrol division and serves as an active Operator and Sniper for the Regional SWAT Team.
  • Ken currently serves as one of the SME Combatives Co-Chairs for the Arizona Tactical Officers Association.
  • Has a background in the martial systems of Wing Chung, Hapkido, Tae Kwon Do, and is a student of Guru Rigo Durazo.
  • Has operated in the west desert to combat drug and human trafficking into the US by setting LP/OP’s, tracking, and ambushing such individuals.
  • Experience in undercover operations for narcotics and support for his department investigations bureau.
  • an active department instructor for a wide range of topics including Firearms, Defensive Tactics, High Risk Stops, a popular electronic control device, and Combative Principles.

Signature Courses and Programs

Ken develops and teaches courses for Law Enforcement, and he is an adjunct instructor for several of the Tacflow combatives courses


Combative Transitions to Your Firearm
Prevailing Against Edged Weapons
Undercover Narcotics Combative Transitions to Your Firearm from Concealment & Vehicle Fighting™