Watch a video compilation on our featured course- Police Sniper Response to a public venue created and taught by Mark Lang and his team.The PSRPV™ Course is an advanced course and is NOT for the beginning Police Sniper. The course is conducted in a true advanced manner and students will need to show proficiency at every stage. PSRPV™ was designed to be the cornerstone for Public Venue Response and Deployment for SWAT teams. Optimally designed for a Police Sniper that is experienced and/or in an instructor role and has excellent skills of marksmanship and fieldcraft. The course is ... Read More
Tag: psrpv
SOFREP- Chris Kyle’s Craft International Trains Snipers in a Canadian Football Stadium By J Wade
by tacflow /
"Activities in the BC Place Stadium located in downtown Vancouver were set aside recently to let the Vancouver Police Department snipers train with the instructors of Craft International LLC, co-founded by Chris Kyle. The training helps ensure the criminals will lose the game on a third and final down.In recent years, SWAT teams and Emergency Response Teams across Canada have begun training with consulting and training providers, who are mostly owned by ex-military operators from across the globe, on tactics used by the military. This gives them the edge against a growing numbers of both criminals and potential terrorists. We ... Read More
February 20, 2014tacflow
by Mark Lang
At the completion of this article another terrorist attack has taken the lives of fellow Americans at a major sporting event. These particular cowards who attacked us ran, but ultimately were dealt with by the fine efforts of the Boston-area law enforcement. Sporting events and venues are and will continue to be an attractive target until we get serious about securing them on a consistent basis. It’s a huge undertaking, no doubt, but isn’t one life worth it?Football games, ice hockey, NASCAR racing...every day our friends and family attend events like these with an expectation of safety and ... Read More
May 15, 2013Mark Lang