SACP Combative Carbine Course for the ATOA
Serving Those Who Serve Us
Who trains in Phoenix in 110F+ weather? We do! We may have been a bit crazy to put on a course during the hottest season of the year in Florence, AZ. The students all pulled together and gave it their all.
Tag: carbine
Structural Alignment Combative Principles - SACP - Combat Carbine Course/ FEB 2014
Instructed by Randy DeHaye, Rigo Durazo, and Edward Morales Tacflow partnered with Craft InternationalThis course focused on the fundamental building blocks including:
· Introduction to Basic/Advance Carbine
· Marksmanship Training
· Defensive Posturing for Threat
· Threat Analysis
· Perimeter Security
· Engaging multiple threats in a TCCC extraction situation (Urban/Rural)
. SACP/ Structural Alignment Combative Principles
For more information on this or any of our courses, email
We want to send a huge THANK YOU to our friends at TangoDown for supplying gear and prizes for last week's course! We would also like to thank S.O.D. ... Read More
February 10, 2014tacflow