Combat Pistol with SACP™ Course

Combative Pistol with SACP™ Course

One (1) to Three (3) Day Course

The Structural Alignment Combative Principals (SACP™) Combat Handgun Course is designed to teach alignment of the body to a target while in a fluid combat environment. The shooters ability to maintain a natural point of aim while in a mobile defensive scenario positively reinforces other key tasks covered in this course. It includes target identification, pistol theory, combat marksmanship, proper weapons manipulation, and shooting while moving. The intelligence of SACP™ forms a seamless bond between the upper and lower body creating a stable, and mobile weapons platform. SACP™ Combat Handgun is ideal for any skill level of individual looking to take their shooting, and body alignment to the next level of proficiency. The Combative Pistol and Combative Carbine courses are built on the same combative principles, and are designed to work in conjunction with each other or stand alone.

basic sniper