“Arkansas State Police and Little Rock and North Little Rock SWAT team members return from sniper positions around War Memorial Stadium during a Police Sniper Response to a Public Venue training session on Wednesday. Police sniper instructors from Craft International of Dallas led the group of Arkansas law enforcement members in a training event at the stadium.”
Course Review- Craft International's Combative Transitions to Your Firearm
by Sergeant Pamela Starr, Dallas PD"According to the Tacflow™ website (www.tacflow.com), Tacflow™ is "tactically-flowing through a CQC environment utilizing all levels of force from carbine to hand-to-hand solutions." It combines skills learned in the Kali and Silat styles of hand-to-hand combatives with the weaponry of law enforcement and military officers and it is the basis for Craft International's close quarters combat courses (www.thecraft.com). The course is taught by Rigo Durazo who holds the title of Maha Guru in his style and has extensive experience in law enforcement and military operations. Quite an ... Read More
March 17, 2013tacflow
2013 Georgia Tactical Officers Association Conference
Thank you to the GTOA for having us out to their 2013 Conference! Rigo Durazo taught a block on transitions and containment with Combat Mindset.Our instructors are happy to put training blocks together for conferences and events. For more information please contact info@tacflow.com.Thank you to Laura Fogarty for the awesome pictures! See more of her work at www.laurafogartyphotography.com
March 8, 2013tacflow
By Andre' M. Dall'au
(Public Venue Countersniping article was originally published by Guns & Weapons for Law Enforcement- November 2012)As early as 2004, the government has issued advisories that public venues such as arenas and stadiums had been identifies as prime targets by terrorists. The potential for causing mass casualties in a venue full of unprotected citizens has an obvious appeal to evildoers bent on disrupting our way of life. A lone gunman or a violent, organized group could attack a professional sports event, rock concert, or even your son or daughter's high school football game unless prepared and well-equipped guardians ... Read More
November 30, 2012tacflow
Article- Rigo Durazo teaches at Sniperfest
by Cameron Hopkins
Instructor Rigo Durazo, Owner of TACFLOW and Lead Instructor for Craft International- instructed one of the 2011 Sniperfest training blocks put on by the MCSO Posse in AZ. The event was covered on local news stations, as well as written up in several publications. An excerpt from the article in Surefire's Combat Tactics Magazine is below, with a link to the full article .pdf.
"In a similar vein, another training block offered weapon retentions and hand-to-hand-combat instruction from noted martial arts pioneer Rigo Durazo, who offered a training block focused on hand-to-hand transitions while ... Read More
August 30, 2012tacflow
Tacflow and Craft International partnered for this sizzling AZ summer course!Thank you to all the students who came out for the July Combative Transitions course in AZ. All survived the summer heat on the 3rd Range day.
info@tacflow.com to learn about hosting TACFLOW courses at your department!
July 20, 2012tacflow
An Excerpt from the Full Combat Mind Presentation
by Rigo Durazo
"When I began my training many years ago, it was very much like a game of chess with strategy and tactics. I believed that with enough training I could counter any move. I would often see a move or tactic and immediately tell you what I could do to counter that move. I truly did not understand the elements of violence. I was basing all my training on people who had the same values and ethics or morality as myself. I was only fighting to win and dominate. I had ... Read More
May 29, 2012tacflow
During the summer of 2011, Rigo Durazo and members of the original Craft International training team including Chris Kyle, Rich Emberlin, Nathan Merithew, Steven Young, and Bo French, spent part of their summer doing a photo shoot for the 5.11 Tactical article. Guns, dirt, heat, and laughs. Those were fun times.
July 1, 2011tacflow
We were invited to speak at a Diamondback Tactical operator's event at 2011 SHOT Show in Las Vegas, NVSpeakers for Craft International included Chris Kyle, USN (SEAL), one of the top snipers in the history of American Armed Forces. This was the last SHOT Show before his New York Times number one bestselling book "American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in U.S. Military History" came out.Rigo Durazo spoke for Tacflow, Craft's preferred combative provider.
January 23, 2011tacflow
Rigo Durazo and a team from Craft International taught at the 2010 Arizona Sniperfest hosted by Maricopa County Sheriffs Office.
December 27, 2010tacflow