Chris Ray
LE SWAT/Retired
- Chris spent over 18 years as a Police Officer for Phoenix Police Department.
- He was a member of the Special Assignments Unit (SWAT) Phoenix PD, as a full-time sniper, entry team,
and Grenadier for over 8 years before medically retiring. - Lead Sniper Instructor for Phoenix PD (NRA Sniper Instructor), Rifle and Sub-Machine Gun NRA
Instructor, Less-Lethal Instructor, Patrol Rifle and Recruit/In-service Firearms Instructor (AZPOST). - FBI Sniper/Observer School (Arizona).
- Former Co-chair for the Sniper SME committee for Arizona Tactical Officers Association.
- Instructor for the Annual Sniperfest Training & Competition
- Phoenix Police Academy Tactical Training and Firearms Instructor.
- Phoenix PD Intelligence Officer attached to Arizona Counter Terrorism Information Center (ACTIC), FBI
Secret Clearance.